Well, things didnt get to crazy here September 15 and 16. We just kept working and doing the normal stuff and we didnt see too many crazy things. Although, on the night of the 15th we went over to a members house to see how they celebrated their independence day and to participate in the grito (means yell in Spanish) where they wave a flag around and yell ¡viva Miguel Hidalgo, viva (a whole bunch of other important figures in the independence movement and the revolution of 1910), viva Mexico! And I ate cow stomach, and cow feet! I didnt really like either of them. The cow stomach (mole de panza or menudo) was especially weird, but, hey, I had to try it at least once. I heard there was some big parties in the center of Cholula which is right nearby us and a ridiculous party and parade in Mexico City that was televised.
The change just ended today, but neither Elder Huss nor I are being transferred. I was glad. I like my companion and my area. Six months in the mission and I finally stayed in one place for an entire transfer (6 weeks).
As for requests for my birthday. There is this painting I saw in a Liahona that I love. Its called "Lehi´s Dream" by Greg Olsen. Its the coolest depiction of 1 Nephi chapter 8 Ive ever seen. I would really like to find a small print of it or something. Ive also been craving some american chocolate candy like snickers, twix, milkyway, 3 musketeers, etc. Oh, and pictures of the family and Dad´s GTM. Other than that I cant think of anything, maybe another cool tie or something. You can never have too many ties as a missionary.
Ive been try to stay in shape. Exercising regularyly and effectively is hard. Although riding bikes up hills everyday helps with that. Actually, we havent been riding bikes this week much because my companion fell and we still havent gotten his bike fixed yet. Having bikes makes everything so much faster. They have been really useful. Fortunately, Mexico has a way better public transport and bus system than the U.S. otherwise we would never get anywhere without the bikes. I do still try to eat healthy as well. Even though the majority of the food in Mexico is fried in a ton of oil and terribly unhealthy and I cant really control what the members give us to eat, I always buy a lot of fruits and vegetables. My companion thinks Im funny that way, but fruits and vegetables are cheaper than almost all the processed junk food here. So, it works out good.
Im glad Sean´s having a good time in college. I knew he would. College rocks. I cant wait to go back. What classes is he taking?
I did get Quin´s address. Thanks.
Good luck on your race, Mom. Let me know how you do.
Till next week,
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