Monday, September 13, 2010

September 6, 2010

I cant believe Im going to miss the FSU vs. BYU game. Sean will never let me live it down if they lose to FSU two years in a row. That was such an embarrassing game last year. Does Sean have season tickets to all the games or are you just going to this one game? Im glad hes enjoying it there. The college life is pretty sweet. I cant wait to go back.

Ya the employment center, thats what it is. Centro de Empleos is what its called here. The only reason I was said it was boring is because some days nobody comes in and theres no one to help. But its pretty cool besides that. Its cool just being in the huge commercial district of Puebla too.

I think some of my favorite foods are the tacos (arabes, al pastor, etc.) and the pan de dulce (pastries). They have taquerias and bakeries on just about every block here. Ill have to send you some pictures of the huge columns of pork they use for the tacos. Its hard to believe they can sell that much meat in one day. And the pastries are so delicious. I especially like the orejas (literally translated ears) and the ones filled with cream. Mmm... The other cool thing is there is always a ton of delicious fruit for extremely cheap. Ive never had a mango in florida like the mangos here. Theyre way sweeter. I also like this fruit called tuna. Yes, tuna. The spanish word for the english tuna is atun. Tuna in spanish is a fruit. The peaches are really good too.

Well, I got to go. Talk to you next week.



P.S. When I said we lost our investigators I meant they told they didnt want to listen to us anymore, either directly or indirectly (by never being there when they say theyre going to be there or not leting us set a definite return appointment).

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