Monday, September 13, 2010

August 30, 2010

Hey, I got your package. Muchismas Gracias! That honey is delicious! I noticed you also sent me some of the booklets for the strengthening marriage and family classes. You only sent the one strengthening families book in spanish. How do I get the other materials in Spanish? Does someone in the bishopric need to contact LDS family services. The closest one is in Mexico City. I have the contact information, but I havent mentioned anything about my idea to the bishopric because I want to know exactly what to tell them. One thing Ive learned on the mission is that you have to give people very specific assignments or they wont do anything. Its not that they dont want to help. Its just the way people are, even missionaries.

Well, its been raining a lot here and weve lost pretty much every one of our investigators. Yaa . Seriously, I thought it rained a lot in Florida, but it rains like every afternoon here and extremely hard. The streets get flooded and we get totally soaked, but its all good. A little water never hurt anyone.

I got to send to send you guys some pictures of the volcano, Popocatepetl, and other cool stuff. Puebla is beautiful.

I dont know if Ive told you yet, but we go once a week to the employment resource center the church has here in Puebla and help people find jobs. Its pretty cool, but sometimes it gets a little boring.

I got to go. Ill write a little more later today. Ive only used like 30 minutes of my email time.



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