Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 19, 2011

Sorry about last week. I only had time to send an email to Marc. I don´t know if you ever saw it. Once again I have very little time this week. We´re running a little late because we just recently got back from Puebla. They did the transfers one week in advance so that the missionaries that went home could be home for christmas. And what a surprise when I found out that I was being transfered back to my old area in Totolac, but this time as a zone leader. That means I will have been in this area a whole year by the time I finished my mission. The cool thing was we ate with a family I helped to reactivate when I was here and they were so excited to see me again. I´m kind of worried about my new responsibility and I´ve thinking a lot about what else the Lord could possibly want me to accomplish here. My companion is cool. He was my zone leader last transfer and in my district so I already kind of know him. His name is Elder AvendaƱo. I got your package today mom. Yay! I´m still not sure at what time we´re going to talk but I´ll let you know before sunday. I think we´ll do the skype thing again, maybe in the same house as mother´s day even. Haha. I´m going to try to sign up for classes a BYU this week.

Love you,

December 19, 2011

Angel got baptized and confirmed yesterday. He seemed pretty happy about it even though he had to miss some committment with his Dad to go to church. Now we don`t really have a whole lot of other people to teach. We`ve been teaching a few non-member husbands, but only one went to church yesterday. All the more recent converts have been going, which is good. The majority of the ward actually consists of recent converts or recently reactivated members. The younger ex missionaries have been helping us fellowship Angel as well. We decided to organize a special ward choir to go and sing christmas songs to the less active and new members. Hopefully, people will come to the rehearsals. We talked to some people that practice Judaism the other day and we`re going to go back to teach them today. It`s weird. I don`t think I`ve ever talked to someone of that religion in my entire mission. Think about what we were going to teach them confirmed my testimony of Jesus Christ as my Saviour and made me appreciate the Book of Mormon even more which explains so clearly the relationship between the law of Moses and Christ and closes the old testament-new testament gap.

While in the zone leaders` area, my old area, to interview someone for baptism I ran into some old friends, which was cool. Even though we could only say a few words to each other because it was late and we had to get back to Zacatelco. I`ve been trying to get Margarita, the first person I baptized there, to go back to church. She lives right in front of the chapel where we have district meeting every week. So, I try to talk to her for a little bit. It really surprised me when the zone leaders told me that she was no longer active.

I got your package, Mom, with the socks and candy and the book. Thanks. All the candies are my favorites and the book is eye opening as well.

I had to get my temple recommend renewed when President came to interview us. And last night Elder Rainford told me he was going to buy my plane ticket home today. It`s weird how fast time flys.

Make sure you skype accounts are ready for christmas.

December 12, 2011

Hey Marc, I love you, bro. We`ll be talking soon. So, have your questions and things you want to tell me all prepared. How are things going in school? What`s been your favorite subject so far? What have you learned lately while reading the scriptures? It`s been really cold here in Zacatelco, Tlaxcala. Apparently the other day there was a earthquake here too, but my companion and I didn`t feel it. All the plants are drying up which makes me miss Florida where it`s green all year round. We haven`t been finding a whole lot of new investigators, but I still haven`t lost hope yet. Last week I tryed this amazing frothy chocolate drink they make here with real cacao and it was delicious.

I hope you`re keeping your head up. Remember, like President Monson said, "It`s better to look up." Remember, as well, that many times the hardest trials precede the greatest of blessings.

December 5, 2011

Angel, the 28 year old investigator I was telling you about last week is being baptized on Sunday. He`s so cool. I never thought we would become such good friends when I first met him. He has a lot of faith, is reading the Book of Mormon like crazy, and making a lot of changes in his life. And the funny thing is that he says before when missionaries from ours or other churches would talk to him he didn`t care at all about anything they told him, and now he wants to be baptized. He went to church on Sunday even though, tecnically he was supposed to work. His work involves installing windows, mirrors, doors, and things like that and he makes some really creative stuff with glass. I`ll have to take some pictures and send them to you.

Apart from him, there`s not really a whole lot of progress going on in this ward. Very few show up regularly to church. I hate the fact that I`ve been a missionary for so long and I still feel like I don`t have a clue what to do.

We have interviews this week with the president. Maybe I`ll get one of your packages.