Well, conference was a break for me in the sense that it was a spiritual rejuvenation as always. I love general conference. However, the stake center is in my area so we were still busy in between sessions, especially with the baptism of a family of four on sunday. We had to fight a little bit with the stake president. For some reason he didn´t want us to have a baptismal service the day of conference. But, it all worked out fine in the end.
It was an older lady, Consuelo, her son, Ohnorio, and her two grandchildren, Narzizo and Susana, that were baptized (on sunday after the second session of conference). I don´t think I´ve ever seen a woman with so much faith in my life. She had 12 children, but all but two pretty much abandoned her, and one of those two died a few years ago. The other one she is taking care of, Ohnorio, is pretty slow mentally and has epilepsy (although he seems to be doing better since we gave him a priesthood blessing). Her two grandchildren that live with her are the children of her son that died. The mother abandoned them when her husband died, so now she has to take care of them as well. In addition to all this, she was recently diagnosed with diabetes. All of her income comes from whatever work she can get cleaning houses and things like that. Needless to say they live in very humble circumstances. She has always been a very God-fearing person and had been looking for the ¨truth¨ for a long time. She has participated in just about every religion you can imagine, but the first sunday she went to our church she told us that she knew that it was the true church of God. She is so happy and grateful that "God sent us to her." She is truly an amazing person and her grandchildren are very intelligent and well behaved. They already want to be missionaries like us. The restored gospel has made them very happy and will continue to bless their lives and the lives of many others through them. I usually lose faith hope quickly with people her age because they´re usually really stubborn and really catholic and unwilling to accept anything besides what they´ve been taught their entire life, which is understandable, but Consuelo was the complete oppositte. It has been a really great experience.
We have another baptism planned for this sunday. Leandro, the one I´ve been talking about, the husband of Margarita. It´s been a little more difficult with him, but he finally seems to ready, and willling to commit firmly to live the gospel. He has gone through some major changes since I first met him a couple months ago. How cool would it be to see him and his wife get sealed in the temple a year from now! We have a little bit more work to do with her 12 year old daughter who has been very rebellious lately in everything and who has still not accepted to be baptized and, for the last couple months, won´t even go to church with her mom. Any suggestions for a mom who is struggling with a rebellious daughter who´s 12 but acts like she´s 25?
I bet you like how President Monson bragged about the temple being built in Rome during general conference.