I couldn't believe you called the MTC. Haha. I've been gone for like three weeks, and I didn't write to you one week. That's ok. At least I know my mommy loves me. Im actually feeling much better now, although still trying to figure some things out. Thanks for recommending D&C 6. Those verses, 22 and 23 are some of my favorite scriptures.
My new companion, Elder Garcia, is great. He's also my district leader. Well, at least until Friday, I think. Im getting to know him a lot better now that we're companions, and he's really cool. He's just a down to earth, cool guy, and he's always so full of energy. It's hard not to laugh and be in a good mood around him. It's amazing how close you can get to someone when you spend every minute of every day with him. I miss my friend from Mexico (Elder Banuelos), though. He already left and is serving in California. He told me I have to come to Mexico with him after our missions. He's hillarious. I miss my old companion too, but hey I'm going to have lots of companions. I'm glad the ones I have had so far have been good.
Everyone who's served a mission and has written to me seems surprised that we can't ever leave the MTC anymore, but I guess its not that big a deal to me just because I never had the opportunity to. We actually can walk around the temple on Sundays if we want. I am starting to feel a little isolated, but its not too bad. I've got pretty much everything I need here. The days are long and pass slowly as we pretty much sit around studying all day, but the weeks fly by. I can't believe I'm into my fourth week, or fifth Hmm... Im not even sure. See what I mean?
Please apologize for me to anyone that has written to me and hasn't received a letter back from me yet. P-days seem to just fly by so fast.
I did get your beef jerkey and your cookies and your easter goodies. I wish I was hungrier, and the MTC didn't stuff me so much. I actually gave a whole bag of beef jerky to my old companion that he took with him to Peru because he liked it so much. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for all the yummies.
Shoot! They really don't give us enough email time. Can you plese have Marc write something to me. I really want to talk to him, but I'm not sure what to ask him about. Just tell him I miss him so much, and I think about him every day.
Love, Brett